Saturday, March 16, 2013

Button Clock

We recently had an Estate Sale at my Grandma's home. One of the things my Grandma loved most is clocks, she had A LOT of them! This is one of her clocks, it had no sentimental value and was in fact still in the packaging when I got it. I got a few other cherished items from her along with her sewing table and ALL its contents! It was full of old sewing materials including wooden thread reels and tons of buttons. I thought it fitting to make something with these items and add it to my craft wall. 

Here is what I used:
White paint
Mod Podge
Foam Brush
Fabric 14X14
12 Buttons
Hot Glue Gun

I removed the hands and painted the face of the clock white to hide the design. You might not need to do this but my fabric was thin.

Next I cut a hole for the center

Then using fabric Mod Podge I began adhering the fabric to the clock face. I then added 2 additional coats over the top to seal.

 I went through all her buttons and decided to go with red. I did 12 and 6 first, then 3 and 9, then filled the rest, using hot glue to stick them on.

Here is the finished clock. I'm really happy with how it turned out. 

Here is another look at the clock on my craft room wall. I think the color pops well and I enjoy looking at it while I work in my projects!