Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tile Coasters

Here is a tutorial on how to make coasters from tiles. This was an easy project to do, however it did require patients due to wait for each coat to dry fully.

Here is what you will need: Scrapbook paper or photo, Mod Podge, Tiles, Ink pad, Paint brush, Decorative scissors, clear spray paint, Hot glue and Felt

I started by cutting 4 pieces of paper to the approximate size of the tile, I then used the "ripped" decorative scissor to give it a torn paper look

I then rubbed the edges of the paper on the black ink pad. This gives it an aged almost burned look

Next step is to apply the paper to the tiles. I first started by putting Mod Podge on the back of the piece of paper and laying it on the tile. I used a mini rolling pin to get all the air bubbles out. Then I waited for this coat to dry. Once dry I brushed on a coat of Mod Podge over the top as seen in the picture below. I repeated this step 3 more times allowing each coat to dry fully in between. I also sprayed a clear coat of paint as a finishing touch to make it water proof

I cut out felt for the bottom of each tile and used hot glue to attach it

Here's a look at the finished product!

Added 2/9/13: Since posting the tile coasters I have made a few more sets. Here I used book pages and symbols cut out with my Cricut. For Christmas I printed maps of my parents favorite vacation spots and  used them for the coasters. they really turned out well!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

DIY Keepsake Art

I have been trying to find a neat way to display some of my Grandpa's fishing tackle that I received when he passed away. Some of my best memories are fishing with him and I wanted to make something that did my memories justice. I decided to add it to my craft room wall. 

I took the frame apart and removed the mirror/picture art that it had in place. I saved the backing to use for later. I then painted the frame yellow. It took quite a few coats since the wood was so dark.

I used a piece of scrap fabric that I thought went well with the tackle. I used spray adhesive to attache the fabric to the original backing of the picture. I then used fishing line to sew the pieces into place.

Using a staple gun I attached the backing onto the frame and cut the excess material off. I'm really happy with how it turned out and think its a great way to display something that means so much to me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Button Letter Art

 For my next project for my craft room art I decided to do a button letter. Again, something I've seen done in different ways on Pinterest. I have been going to Goodwill's and other thrift stores to stock up on unique frames for this and future projects for my craft room. I decided to use a basic square frame. You will also need: Buttons, Elmer's Glue Spots, Paint (if your frame needs painting), background paper or fabric

I lightly traced a K on my paper so I would have a general idea of where I wanted the buttons placed. I then did a flat covering of buttons using the glue spots to keep them in place. I tried to get the buttons as close together as I could knowing there would be gaps. 

I then added a second layer of buttons filling in the gaps and adding dimension.

I decided to paint the frame white, it took several coats since the frame was so dark

Here it is! I think it will look a lot better once its hung! I have a lot of ideas and things planned for this wall and don't plan on hanging anything until there are all done! Stay Tuned!!